Oregon Land Title Association Membership
Click here to download the Membership application
The Oregon Land Title Association (OLTA) takes the task of overseeing the welfare of the title industry in Oregon very seriously. Our work is directed by committees within the association comprised of agents and underwriters from across the state. The purpose of the membership is to promote and protect the common interests of its members, and those of the public, in facilitating the transfer of land ownership.
The Oregon Land Title Association has been advancing the value and professionalism of its members since 1907. For over 100 years, the trade association vigorously works to protect and promote the public interest as well as encourage professional and personal growth within the Title Insurance industry.
The Oregon Land Title Association focuses its efforts on three primary areas:
The OLTA is a highly specialized professional association that offers its members a number of benefits available exclusively through OLTA.
Your membership offers: Information . . . Education . . . Inspiration . . . Recognition . . . Representation . . . Validation
Some of the major benefits of being a member of the Oregon Land Title Association are:
Educational seminars and opportunities offered throughout the year
Coordinated real estate legislative & regulatory efforts (proposing, lobbying and monitoring legislation)
Liaison efforts with County officials, other real estate industry organizations, and regulatory officials
Outstanding website with Members Only section
Interactive Map/Directory exposure on the OLTA website
Online Abstracting Standards Manual
Continual industry news updates for members
Volunteer committees working in the following areas:
- Legislative, Education, Technology, Real Estate Agency Liaison, and Membership & Public Relations
Contact with members of your industry
Make a commitment to your profession and gain a competitive edge – Join today!
Oregon Land Title Association Membership Types:
Membership is open to individuals and companies involved in the production and evaluation of real estate title information, in escrow, closing, settlement services, and in affiliated professions, within the State of Oregon.
The Oregon Land Title Association offers the following membership levels:
Regular Membership
(a) Every corporation, resident or non-resident, which has qualified under the laws of the State of Oregon to do business as a Title Insurance Company, and which is actually issuing policies of title insurance in Oregon, and agrees to conform to the code of ethics adopted by the membership of the Oregon Land Title Association, has not engaged in any illegal or fraudulent business practice and has been duly sponsored by an active member, is eligible for Regular membership.
(b) Every person, firm or corporation operating as an independent business enterprise which is actively engaged in evidencing land titles, is licensed by the State of Oregon, and agrees to conform to the code of ethics adopted by the membership of the Oregon Land Title Association, has not engaged in any illegal or fraudulent business practice and has been duly sponsored by an active member, is eligible for Active membership.
Associate Membership
Every person, firm or corporation operating as an independent business enterprise which is actively engaged in any of the following: title searching, escrow, closing functions or document retrieval and is not regulated or licensed by the State of Oregon and agrees to conform to the code of ethics adopted by the membership of the Oregon Land Title Association, has not engaged in any illegal or fraudulent business practice and has been duly sponsored by an active member, is eligible for Associate Membership.
Professional Membership
Professional membership shall be limited to those not eligible for Regular or Associate membership.
Professional membership shall be available to any individual, sole proprietorship, partnership, corporation or other business entity engaged in providing services related to the land title industry as defined by the Board of Directors, and which agrees to conform to the code of ethics adopted by the membership of the Oregon Land Title Association, has not engaged in any illegal or fraudulent business practice and has been duly sponsored by an active member, is eligible for professional membership.
This is a special category that is bestowed at the behest of the Board of Directors on the recommendation of the Membership Committee.
Are you interested in joining the only professional association in Oregon dedicated to creating an environment which enables its members to provide the public with the highest quality land title evidencing, title assurance and settlement services?